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Tap & Musical Theatre

Today, Tap dance is broadly divided into two categories: rhythm tap and Broadway tap. Rhythm tap focuses more on musicality and improvisation, and can include complex timing, musicality, and beating. Broadway tap has a much more presentational style, concerning itself with the overall aesthetic of the dancing body. Overall, tap teaches the student a sense of musicality by the creation of various sounds and rhythms with their feet.

Our tap classes cover both rhythm and Broadway tap styles, which also forms its own groups in our studio production shows and competition groups. Tap teaches the student musicality by the creation of various sounds and rhythms.

Our tap teacher's hold their advanced level tap examination with the BBO, tapping both competitively and professionally.

We offer tap examinations through the Glenn Wood Tap syllabus, group tap classes and troupes, and tap solo routines in private tuition.


Musical Theatre involves the integration of singing, miming, spoken dialogue and acting, along with dance, to tell a story. Our classes expose and educate students to a variety of musicals, learning about the history of the production and how to bring it to life in their own unique way.

The students will go through various musicals throughout the year and perform routines in our end of year production under the guise of their teacher. 


Please note: these classes are taught separately.


Please see below for our Tap and Musical Theatre classes.

Tap and Musical Theatre classes Seven Hills
Tap classes Seven Hills
Adult Tap classes Seven Hills
Musical Theatre classes Seven Hills
Musical Theatre lessons Seven Hills
Performance classes Seven Hills
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